News and a trailer

13 02 2009

Hi, lots of news  to tell you about!: 

Pokemon Platinum European release date:

Pokemon Platinum will be released in Europe on the 22nd of May 2009.

Pokemon Movie 12:

Ok, lots of news here!

Firstly,I think that some people are getting muddled up between pokemon movie 11 and 12.

Next, I have found out that pokemon movie 12 has been renamed from ‘Towards the overcome’s time space’ to ‘Arceus – towards the overcome’s time space’

I have also found that there will be a surprise inclusion of the Johto starters and Heatran to the film. Strangely these pokemon have been confirmed as new.

Arceus officially revealed:

Arceus has officially been revealedon Japan this week, and as expected it will feature in pokemon movie 12.